Amendment to Section 2, C of the constitution
26th December 2024
(c) Patrician Rights: Eligible to run in elections. Eligible to own a medium sized bunker (the bunker must be approved by the Secretary of the Interior prior to construction).
Requirements: Must hold the Citizen title. Must have completed a medium public works project.
Add "Must primarily play within the nation of Icenia. This provision may be enforced by a consensus of the President, Secretary of Defense, and Speaker of the Senate"
Senator Shadno’s proposal was passed by the Senate and approved by President ChrisChrispie.
- Senator 1Kayotic: Aye
- Senator 7_misun: Aye
- Senator dBeatzxd: Nay
- Senator Lagiacrus: Aye
- Senator Shadno: Aye
- Senator Orinnari: Nay
Constitution of Icenia
Constitution of Icenia