Amendment to Senatorial Elections
26th December 2024
The voting period will conclude exactly 24 hours after the announcement. Any votes cast or recast after that time will be disregarded. Should the election result in a tie, the President, with the advice of the Senate and the tied candidates, is empowered to decide how the tie will be resolved.
Add: This discretionary power shall also apply in the case of resignation or impeachment of a senator.
Senator Shadno’s proposal was passed by the Senate and approved by President ChrisChrispie.
- Senator 1Kayotic: Aye
- Senator 7_misun: Aye
- Senator dBeatzxd: Nay
- Senator Lagiacrus: Aye
- Senator Shadno: Aye
- Senator Orinnari: Nay
Constitution of Icenia
Constitution of Icenia