Amendment to the Power of the Veto
26th December 2024
Should the Bill receive majority approval (>50%) and receive Presidential Assent, it passes and, if applicable, becomes law. Bills that do not require Presidential Assent should be referred to as “Motions”.
Any senator may choose to call an override vote, requiring an 85% in favor, to approve a bill absent presidential assent. An override vote cannot be applied to a constitutional amendment. An override vote may also be used to close voting on a bill or motion absent assent from the Speaker of the Senate.
Senator Shadno’s proposal was passed by the Senate and approved by President ChrisChrispie.
- Senator 1Kayotic: Aye
- Senator 7_misun: Aye
- Senator dBeatzxd: Aye
- Senator Lagiacrus: Aye
- Senator Shadno: Aye
- Senator Orinnari: Nay
Constitution of Icenia
Constitution of Icenia