Passing the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution
Senator Orinnari's Amendment was approved by the Senate and by President ChrisChrispie.
11th October 2022
October Senate (2022)
Rinvincibl3, Gjum, MotokoKusanagi, JuniorTide, slowlyfunny2, Xcios, and Orinnari elected to the Senate.
3rd October 2022
Signing the Treaty for Temporal Independence
Speaker Rinvincibl3's proposal, submitted and edited on behalf of PhysicsGamer, was approved by the Senate and by President ChrisChrispie.
27th September 2022
Signing the Security Enhancement Coalition Treaty
Speaker Rinvincibl3's proposal was approved by the Senate and by President ChrisChrispie.
20th September 2022
September Senate (2022)
Xcios, Rinvincibl3, MotokoKusanagi, Gjum, Shadno, MrJeremyFisher, and slowlyfunny2 elected to the Senate.
2nd September 2022
Approving Statehood for Petrichor
Statehood for Petrichor was approved by President ChrisChrispie, Speaker of the Senate Enforcer, and Secretary of Defense Lagiacrus.
19th August 2022
Passing the Icenian Identity and Security Amendment
Senator PhysicsGamer's Amendment was approved by the Senate and by President ChrisChrispie.
18th August 2022
Passing the Kallos Mututal Defence Pact
This proposal was approved by the Senate and by President ChrisChrispie.
17th August 2022
Passing the Judicial Systems Reformation Amendment
Senator Xcios' proposal, submitted on behalf of Orinnari, was approved by the Senate and by President ChrisChrispie.
13th August 2022
Passing the Formatting of Dates Bill
Senator PhysicsGamer's proposal, submitted on behalf of Orinnari, was approved by the Senate and by President ChrisChrispie.
11th August 2022
August Senate (2022)
Rinvincibl3, Charlieseese, Xcios, jqi, PhysicsGamer, slowlyfunny2, and Enforcer elected to the Senate.
1st August 2022
Passing the States’ Judicial Discretion Amendment of July 2022
Senator PhysicsGamer's Amendment was approved by the Senate and by President ChrisChrispie.
24th July 2022
Signing the Pact of Friendship and Mututal Economic Benefit with Titan
Speaker Charlieseese's proposal was approved by the Senate and by President ChrisChrispie.
22nd July 2022
Expanding States Rights
Senators PhysicsGamer and Slushhi's proposal was approved by the Senate and by President ChrisChrispie.
8th July 2022
Approving Statehood for the Temporal Isles
Statehood for the Temporal Isles, proposed by Senator PhysicsGamer, was approved by President ChrisChrispie, Speaker of the Senate Charlieseeese, and Secretary of Defense Lagiacrus.
5th July 2022
Passing the Judicial Reform Amendment of July 2022
Senator PhysicsGamer's Amendment was approved by the Senate and by President ChrisChrispie.
2nd July 2022
Passing the Icenian Namelayer Bill
Senators Slushhi and SeaRed's proposal was approved by the Senate and by President ChrisChrispie.
2nd July 2022
Signing the Mutual Defense and Support Coalition Charter
Speaker Charlieseese's proposal was approved by the Senate and by President ChrisChrispie.
30th June 2022
Improving Accountability for Government Decisions and Officials
Senator Rinvincibl3's proposal was approved by the Senate and by President ChrisChrispie.
30th June 2022
Establishing a Procedure of Agendas for Future Icenian Growth
Senator Rinvincibl3's proposal was approved by the Senate and by President ChrisChrispie.
30th June 2022