Dissolving the State of Tortugán
Senator Orinnari's proposal was approved by the Senate and by President ChrisChrispie.
29th June 2023
June Senate (2023)
Gjum, Kingstell, Shadno, Anvil, Orinnari, Slushhi, and Gentle__Giant elected to the Senate.
6th June 2023
Approving Statehood for Tortugán
Senator Slushhi's proposal, submitted on behalf of blob, was approved by the Senate and by President ChrisChrispie.
28th May 2023
Dissolving the State of Petrichor
Senator Orinnari's proposal was approved by the Senate and by President ChrisChrispie.
23rd May 2023
May Senate (2023)
Kingstell, Shadno, Gjum, Anvil, Gentle__Giant, Slushhi, and Orinnari elected to the Senate.
10th May 2023
Approving Statehood for Southshire
Senator Anvil's proposal, submitted on behalf of Orinnari, was approved by the Senate and by President ChrisChrispie.
30th April 2023
Signing the Dual Islands Treaty
Senator Shadno's proposal was approved by the Senate and by President ChrisChrispie.
21st April 2023
Passing the Legislative Slimming Bill (+ Tenth Amendment)
Senator Rinvincibl3's proposal, submitted on behalf of Orinnari, was approved by the Senate and by President ChrisChrispie.
14th April 2023
Passing the Ninth Amendment to the Constitution
Senator Slushhi's Amendment was approved by the Senate and by President ChrisChrispie.
9th April 2023
Passing the Regulation of Treaties Bill
Senator Anvil's proposal was approved by the Senate and by President ChrisChrispie.
6th April 2023
April Senate (2023)
Shadno, Gjum, Slushhi, Raeders, Anvil, Slowlyfunny2, and Rinvincibl3 elected to the Senate.
4th April 2023
Passing the Icenia Snitches Bill
Senator Anvil's proposal was approved by the Senate and by President ChrisChrispie.
12th March 2023
Passing the Protection of Life Bill
Senator Anvil's proposal was approved by the Senate and by President ChrisChrispie.
10th March 2023
Passing the Safe Icenia Bill
Senator Anvil's proposal was approved by the Senate and by President ChrisChrispie.
10th March 2023
Passing the Eighth Amendment to the Constitution
This Amendment was approved by the Senate and by President ChrisChrispie.
10th March 2023
Passing Building Regulations
Senator MrJeremyFisher's proposal was approved by the Senate and by President ChrisChrispie.
10th March 2023
Passing the Icenia Claims Update Bill
Speaker Gjum's proposal, submitted on behalf of Orinnari, was approved by the Senate and by President ChrisChrispie.
8th March 2023
Nullifying the Temporal Treaties.
Senator MrJeremyFisher invoked Article 1 of the Hansard Act to nullify both the Temporal treaties.
7th March 2023
March Senate (2023)
Gjum, Slushhi, Xcios, Sirboss, Anvil, Rinvincibl3, and MrJeremyFisher elected to the Senate.
4th March 2023
Passing the Icarus Mutual Raider Defence Pact
Senator awart1881's proposal was approved by the Senate and by President ChrisChrispie.
15th February 2023